Our group does research in condensed matter systems, nanomaterials and nanostructures. We study the structural, dynamic, electronic and magnetic properties of ceramics, nanocrystals, nanotubes, clusters and nano-scale magnetic structures. The principal methodology for studying this kind of problem is by means of computational simulation, particularly, computation of the electronic structure based on density functional theory, as well as classical molecular dynamics and ab-initio. The topics currently investigated (see Research) include:

  • Nanostructured Materials, Ceramic oxides
  • Excitons and phonons in nanocrystals
  • Carbon nanotubes and other nanostructures
  • Atoms and molecules on the surface
  • Advanced Ceramics: Max Phases
  • Materials under extreme conditions (high pressure, high temperature, fracture)
  • Magnetism in low dimensional systems
  • Computational Physics

The group was formed at the end of 2004 and it is currently composed of 3 professors, 4 PhD students, 2 master students and collaborators, from Chile as well as from abroad. (See People)

Our principal sources of external financing are: